Time Away

Happy Holidays From Edison!

Hi Pen Fans!

I wanted to put out a blog entry for a couple of reasons.

My shop is almost completed.  See here.

Some pen orders in December have been delayed, and those who are effected by this have been made aware.  This shop project has been the whole reason for the delays, and I’d like to thank my clients who have waited on their pens.

My contractor is nice enough to let me work along with him, so every hour that I spend doing my own wiring, insulation, drywall, etc saves me a very significant amount of money.

So my days have been finishing up the shop, and my nights have been keeping up on pen orders, and weekends have been the same.

Now that Christmas is here, I’m going to give myself a break from both the shop and pens until Monday.

Then Monday the ceiling gets textured, walls get painted, and it’s time to move in my tools.

So this means that I will be completely operational in the new shop the first week of January, if all goes well.

Once my shop is complete, I will be back to my quick turnaround time of a week on pens.


The second reason for the entry is to give some previews of what is to come soon in ’09.

Two new designs.  The first will launch in January, the second probably late January or February.

The Edison Inaugural Pen (I’m not sure if that’s really what I’ll call it, but it will be a limited edition pen to commemorate The Edison Pen Company’s genesis, and recent success).  I have some phenomenal ebonite for this pen….you’ll have to wait to see it!

A new design involving a bulb filler.  I’m very excited about this.  Unless I’m mistaken, I’ll be the only modern pen manufacturer who will offer a bulb filler.  The bulb will reveal by removing a near-seamless blind cap.

And there are some other things up my sleeve, as well!

The third reason for the email was to simply say Happy Holidays, and Blessings to all!

This year started off as a real tough one that only got worse as the months went by, due to a job that I learned to hate more and more, which came to a climax in August when I was laid off.

I thought that my little pen business would simply keep me off of unemployment until I found another job that I hated!

Instead, now that I’ve been able to focus on pens full-time, my little business has been quite successful, and I’ve never been happier.

It’s people who support craftsman like me that make it possible to support my family doing what I love to do, and I’d like to thank each of you for your business.

So a real dismal year turned out to end in a fashion that I would have NEVER predicted.  Stress free, with a job I love!

I’ve attached some recent pics of myself, Andrea, and Andrew.

Happy Holidays and Blessings!

Brian at Edison

(..andrew is wearing what he calls his "penmaker’s hat".  It’s his hat with the Edison Logo…)




7 replies on “Happy Holidays From Edison!”

Great shots of your wonderful family! May you all have a very merry Christmas and a blessed 2009.

I’m excited about the new developments: new pen, ebonite, self-filler. Congrats!

Brian, Thanks for posting the holiday notes and the pic’s. It’s nice to have a face (or 3) to put with those emails. My beautiful uberminimalist ebonite Herald is loving life here. Nary a day goes by without a comment from someone about it. You do beautiful work. Looking forward to the new release. Merry Christmas.

It’s one thing to have a lovely family and a new house, but to have that AND work you enjoy…you really are blessed, Brian… are we, who get to enjoy your work. Take care.
Jim Mount

Hello from France,

After the reading of your post on Pentrace i came on your web site.
Bravo, your blog is great as well as the video, i wish you success for 2009
Kind regards
Jean Elie

Dear Brian.
I will be purchasing a pen from you within the year, I love the work you do, the pens look wonderful!
I also have just read this blog and am so happy for you that you are living and working at what you love to do. I think that is the secret to life and sometimes what can seem the very worst thing possible to happen turns out to be the richest of blessings!
I wish you continued happiness and succsess, you have a lovely looking family who obviously love you as much as you love them, that is the truest sign of a mans wealth I believe.
Great good fortune to you and yours in the coming year.
All the very best.

I wish you the best of luck, and hope you have gggreat success in your business. I hear that you are planning to add a piston-fill to your pens, which I hope will be the best selling pen line you’ve ever launched. Best of luck!

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