Time Away

Thanks for a Great Year! Taking Time Off Until 2018!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are wrapping up for the year and I wanted to put out a thank you to all of our customers and wish everyone Happy Holidays!

This year was pretty unique for us in that we moved our business to a new and much larger location, celebrated our 10 year business anniversary, hired more employees, and experienced some pretty significant growth overall which will certainly continue into 2018.

Our employees have much deserved vacation saved up, and Andrea and I need a break as well. We will be shut down from today until the New Year. I will not be fielding emails until 2018.

I’d like to thank each of our customers for your support! We truly enjoy what we do, and couldn’t do this without you!

See you in 2018!

Brian at Edison

The Edison Team at our Holiday Dinner! Thank You!