Nib Tuning and Adjustments
As opposed to the majority of other pen companies, the Edison Pen Company will tune every nib on every pen prior to shipping.
With Production Line pens, we perform a “dry” tuning at no charge. This involves…
- Tine alignment
- Proper adjustment of tip gap and tine gap
- General Smoothing
- Feed alignment
- Overall inspection
With Signature Line Pens, we perform a “wet” tuning at no charge. This involves…
- Tine Alignment
- Proper adjustment of tip gap and tine gap
- General smoothing
- Feed Alignment
- Overall inspection
- Test with Waterman ink on Rhodia or Clairefontaine paper.
- Any specific tuning that the customer prefers. Wetness, feedback, high/low angles, etc. So you can request the nib to be tuned to your exact preferences.
Customizations beyond this such as Italic Grinds (stub, cursive, or crisp), Oblique Grinds, and Architect Grinds are also available. These are done by Mark Bacas with
We offer XXF, XXXF, and Needlpoint Grinds provided by Gena Salorino with Custom Nib Studio.