Hi Everyone.
Just a quick note regarding my email accounts.
There have been some problems lately which I think have been fixed.
Bottom line….if you are expecting an email from me, and it’s not received by around noon EDT today, Monday, then reach out to me.
I’m usually very fast with emails. With the exception of weekends, emails are almost always returned within 12 hours, usually much faster.
So if you’re expecting an email from me and it hasn’t beeen returned today, try again…it might have not been received somehow.
And calling live is always OK, as well. 567.401.2043
2 replies on “Email Problems…”
What’s your physical address. May be passing by there sooon
Thanks! You can find our address here..
But please understand that we are a manufacturing facility, not a storefront. If you would like to visit, please give us at least 2 weeks warning to be sure that we can do it. We really can’t work in people who wish to “pop-in”. 🙂