Hi Pen Fans!
The LE Minas are just about finished! We have some final touches to add today, and then we will ship this week!
We have more then 200 pens to ship, so this is not a task that we’ll complete in only a day. So if you have a LE Mina on the way, please allow flexibility. You’ll get tracking information sometime this week. If we can’t get everything shipped by Friday, I’ll let everyone know.
I will be putting some updates on our Instagram account, and also probably do some Periscoping of the final touches and shipping process. If you want to check this out, our username on both accounts is @edisonpenco. We’ll also put some photos and perhaps video here on the blog as we move along.
I would like to sincerely thank everyone for your patience! In the initial blog post, I estimated that this project would take 2 – 4 months. The way that we usually do our time estimates is to under-promise and over-deliver. However, we took just about exactly 4 months to finish this project. So we still made our delivery estimates, but I really prefer to be way ahead of our estimates.
Bottom line – this project took us a longer than we would have liked due to the Holidays. Our Holiday rush really caught us off guard this year. We’ve learned an important lesson here – we won’t coordinate this project to coincide with the Holidays in the future!
So stay tuned for more updates as we begin shipping and keep an eye on your email for tracking information!
4 replies on “LE Minas Will Ship This Week!”
They look really good.
Can’t wait to receive my pen next week! Also, with delays, I am personally glad you had a big holiday season! Since I would like to have a small collection of your pens, I want Edison to have strong sales and be here to stay! If that means I have to wait a bit longer, then great because I know your company is doing well and will be around for a long time!
I very much like it when good people who put a lot of themselves into their products succeed against the current tide of buy cheap everything mentality. I would much rather pay for a pen I will have for life rather than something I would throw away and not care about. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for understanding! Have a great day!
It lookes like a very nic epen, specially the golden nib’s design looks like older Waerman’s (1990’s) that I have bought from E. They were very smooth and I suppose these ones are.