Hi Pen Fans!
We’ll be attending the Chicago Pen Show this weekend!
We will be bringing a Limited Edition Pen that is exclusive to the Chicago Show! This pen will be our newest model, the Jameson which sports our huge #8 nib, and is made from NOS (new old stock) Bexley acrylic from 2004!
This material was acquired from Howard Levy with the Bexley Pen Company. It was originally used on the Bexley Scheherazade, which was introduced in 2004. You can see the original Scheherazade here.
(…sappy moment alert…)
The material is pretty special to me on a personal level. About 17 years ago when I started in this crazy trade of fountain pens, Howard Levy (who is now semi-retired, but still dabbling) was an immense help to me. Howard is also located in Ohio. He was kind enough to allow me to visit his facility and answer my beginner questions on many occasions. But overall he has always been wide open and transparent with information throughout my entire penmaking career, which is quite noteworthy. Most businesses would never share the kind of information that Howard has shared with me at the risk of aiding competition. But over the years, our relationship has always been very synergistic. Howard has helped me and I have helped Howard on many occasions and in many ways.
Howard taught me an important lesson by example very early, in that sharing information within this trade not only benefits all involved business-wise, but that this quality also fosters friendships rather than rivalries. I am proud to call Howard my friend, and I have always fostered the same ideals when it comes to how I approach other penmakers. I am very proud to create this pen as a tribute to Howard and our friendship over the years.
(…end sappy moment…)
So this material is more than 20 years old and to the best of my knowledge, it is out of existence except for the sheet that we used for this pen. But we still have a good amount of this material on hand to make other custom pens.
It is a rather translucent smokey shade, but also has very nice foiled silver accents throughout. Full resolution is the best way to truly appreciate this material, so I have hosted full-res photos here and here if you are interested.
The edition will be limited to only 15 pens. These will be priced at $295 with a Steel nib (if a similar pen were ordered custom from us, it would be $325).
We will limit our Friday sales to 10 pens only and our Saturday sales to the remaining 5 pens. First come, first served each day. We realize that a lot of people can’t get off of work to attend a pen show on a Friday and we want everyone who wants this pen to have a shot at it.
If you cannot attend the pen show and like this material, we do have plenty of it left for custom pens. While we cannot make a pen identical to this Jameson and also abide by the “rules” of a Limited Edition, we can still take custom orders for other pen models made from the same material. Be sure to email me if you’d like to speak about a non-limited edition pen made from this material.
Outside of this Limited Edition pen, of course, we’ll be bringing lots and lots of our normal inventory to the show. We will have well over 400 pens on display. Among these, we will also have somewhere around 150+ pens made from craft materials by Jonathon Brooks, Tim McKenzie, and Jennifer Earley.
Click here to see all pens that we’ll be bringing to the pen show.
We hope to see you in Chicago!