Current Inventory

Current Inventory Updated!

Hi Pen Fans!

Since the Chicago Pen Show, things have been awfully busy. It was just this week that we were able to photograph all of the pens from the Chicago Show that didn’t sell and update our galleries with them. So in total, there are more than 300 pens that are currently ready to ship.

Right now our backlog is about 8-9 weeks. But for those who would rather not wait, pens that are currently inventoried and waiting for good homes can be found HERE, or you can see these pens in the slide show below.

If you are interested in one of these pens, please email me.


Brian at Edison

2 replies on “Current Inventory Updated!”

What is the cost of the Collier in Fingerpaints Acrylic?
Thank You,
Richard Hayter

If you are interested, the price is $275 with a steel nib or $375 with an 18k nib, then shipping ($10 assuming you are in the US). Thanks!

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