Hi Pen Fans….
Highlights from the video above.
1. Smugmug searches are only working from the Home Page or Galleries Page. Due to an indexing problem, we are not able to search within individual galleries right now.
The solution for now….when trying to search within a specific gallery, search from the Home or Galleries page only, but place the name of the Gallery in the search window along with the term that you are searching for.
For example, if you want to find Pearlettes in Ebonite that are currently ready to ship, you will type "Current Pearlette Ebonite" in the search window of the Home Page or Gallery Page. This will show you Pearlettes in Ebonite that are in Current Inventory.
If you want to find Blue Glenmonts, type in "Blue Glenmont" from the Main Page or Galleries Page.
You can’t do this from the respective individual galleries for now, so work from the Home or Gallery Page.
This issue will hopefully be fixed soon.
2. New Stealth LE will hopefully be announced next week.
3. New Production Pen in the next 2-3 weeks barring something unforeseen.
4 replies on “Smugmug Problem, and a Few Quick Updates…”
Brian, The problem you were seeing with the in gallery searches should be resolved now. Can you give it a try and let us know if you still have trouble?
Yep! I just released a new blog post making people aware.
Hey Brian,
Any new updates on the Stealth LE and new production pen?
Stay tuned today or first thing tommorrow!