Hi Pen Fans!
Well, the DC Pen Show was unbelievable!
The crowd at DC had not seen our Pneumatic Fillers or Pump Fillers yet, and they were a huge hit!
Speaking with other dealers and participants, we weren’t the only people to have a great show! Everyone confirmed our feelings that this was without a doubt one of the best DC Supershows ever!
Usually when we attend these shows, I have some time to run around taking some nice photos and put a slideshow up on the website as well as the social medias. But literally, I have no photos at all to share! I was only able to leave the table 5-6 times the entire weekend, and those times that I did leave the table, it was for a specific reason, and not for fun photos!
So my apologies! I realize that a lot of you enjoy my photo coverage of the pen shows, but there just wasn’t any time at all!
We are definitely exhausted, but for those of you who are expecting an email from me, I will return that email today or tomorrow morning.
And there is one photo worth sharing, but it is not one that I took! This is a photo of my wife and at our display. Thanks to Thomas H. for sharing!
2 replies on “What a DC Show!”
This was my first DC show but it definitely won’t be my last! I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to say hello, but every time I walked by, you were busy helping out a customer. That’s the good kind of busy! I’m glad you had a successful show. My cash account isn’t so happy after this past weekend but I’m smiling!
Thanks Larry! Yes, the pen shows are great, but your wallet might be lighter! We’ll catch you next time!