Pen Shows

DC Pen Show! With Cherry Blossom Limited Edition Comet!

Hi Pen Fans!

We’re excited to be returning to the DC Pen Show this weekend!

We will be bringing a Limited Edition pen that is exclusive to the show. We felt that a Cherry Blossom theme would be appropriate to DC, and this pen certainly fits the bill!

This is a Comet that is made from Jonathon Brooks Black Cherry Koi. The finial is made from a clear translucent material that has some nice red and black streaks going through it.

But what sets this pen apart is the clip! It has been coated in a red ceramic material for incredible durability. We’ve been playing around with ceramic coatings here and there, and this red color definitely compliments the Cherry Blossom theme!

This LE pen is exclusive to attendees of the DC Pen Show.

The edition will be limited to only 10 pens. Normally, we like to show up to pen shows with 15 or more LE pens like this, but with our July vacation schedule and all of our DC preparation work, we have been constrained on time lately and had to pare this down a little bit.

At past pen shows, our LE exclusives have sold pretty fast. Not everyone can attend each day of the show, and many cannot get off work to attend Friday. For this reason, we will limit our Friday sales of this pen to 7 pens only, and our Saturday sales to 3 pens. It will be first-come, first-served each day.

The price for this LE pen will be $275 with a Steel nib in EF, F, M, B, BB, 1.1mm, 1.5mm, Steel Flex EF, or Steel Flex F.

Outside of this Limited Edition pen, of course, we’ll be bringing lots and lots of our current inventory. We have done our best to make extra inventory for this show, and we’ll be bringing more than 400 pens!

As of publishing this post, our Current Inventory Galleries have been updated with lots of new pens that will be available at the show. If you can’t attend the DC show this weekend, any pens that don’t sell at the show will be available when we return. Feel free to email me with an inquiry if something that is ready to ship appeals.

We hope to see you this weekend!

Brian at Edison

(below is a slide show displaying all inventory pens that we’ll be bringing to the show, or you can click the Current Inventory links above)

New Pens Pen Shows

Chicago Pen Show! With LE Exclusive Jameson from NOS Bexley Acrylic!

Hi Pen Fans!

We’ll be attending the Chicago Pen Show this weekend!

We will be bringing a Limited Edition Pen that is exclusive to the Chicago Show! This pen will be our newest model, the Jameson which sports our huge #8 nib, and is made from NOS (new old stock) Bexley acrylic from 2004!

This material was acquired from Howard Levy with the Bexley Pen Company. It was originally used on the Bexley Scheherazade, which was introduced in 2004. You can see the original Scheherazade here.

(…sappy moment alert…)
The material is pretty special to me on a personal level. About 17 years ago when I started in this crazy trade of fountain pens, Howard Levy (who is now semi-retired, but still dabbling) was an immense help to me. Howard is also located in Ohio. He was kind enough to allow me to visit his facility and answer my beginner questions on many occasions. But overall he has always been wide open and transparent with information throughout my entire penmaking career, which is quite noteworthy. Most businesses would never share the kind of information that Howard has shared with me at the risk of aiding competition. But over the years, our relationship has always been very synergistic. Howard has helped me and I have helped Howard on many occasions and in many ways.

Howard taught me an important lesson by example very early, in that sharing information within this trade not only benefits all involved business-wise, but that this quality also fosters friendships rather than rivalries. I am proud to call Howard my friend, and I have always fostered the same ideals when it comes to how I approach other penmakers. I am very proud to create this pen as a tribute to Howard and our friendship over the years.
(…end sappy moment…)

So this material is more than 20 years old and to the best of my knowledge, it is out of existence except for the sheet that we used for this pen. But we still have a good amount of this material on hand to make other custom pens.

It is a rather translucent smokey shade, but also has very nice foiled silver accents throughout. Full resolution is the best way to truly appreciate this material, so I have hosted full-res photos here and here if you are interested.

The edition will be limited to only 15 pens. These will be priced at $295 with a Steel nib (if a similar pen were ordered custom from us, it would be $325).

We will limit our Friday sales to 10 pens only and our Saturday sales to the remaining 5 pens. First come, first served each day. We realize that a lot of people can’t get off of work to attend a pen show on a Friday and we want everyone who wants this pen to have a shot at it.

If you cannot attend the pen show and like this material, we do have plenty of it left for custom pens. While we cannot make a pen identical to this Jameson and also abide by the “rules” of a Limited Edition, we can still take custom orders for other pen models made from the same material. Be sure to email me if you’d like to speak about a non-limited edition pen made from this material.

Outside of this Limited Edition pen, of course, we’ll be bringing lots and lots of our normal inventory to the show. We will have well over 400 pens on display. Among these, we will also have somewhere around 150+ pens made from craft materials by Jonathon Brooks, Tim McKenzie, and Jennifer Earley.

Click here to see all pens that we’ll be bringing to the pen show.

Click here to see all pens we are bringing that are made from craft materials from Jonathon, Tim, or Jennifer.

We hope to see you in Chicago!

Brian at Edison



Current Inventory New Materials Pen Shows

Baltimore Pen Show! With McKenzie Exclusive!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are packed up and will be heading east for the Baltimore Pen Show very soon!

In addition to well over 400 pens for our normal inventory, we’ll be bringing a Limited Edition that is exclusive to the Baltimore Pen Show!

This pen will be a Beaumont in Tim McKenzie Teal/Blue Color Shift with Rose Gold hardware. There are a few features about this pen that are pretty unique. One is the fact that the color actually changes and the next is rose gold hardware!

Tim’s Color Shift material has been a mystery to me since we first started using it as it literally changes colors! I have no idea how Tim does this, but it’s such a cool effect that you really can’t photograph. Only video can kind of come close to doing this material justice. From one angle, the pen is a teal/greenish color. Then as you adjust the angle in the light, you’ll see that the pen gradually changes to blue/purplish! See below or click this link.

Additionally, you might notice that the color of this material under our facility lighting can even look a bit different than in our photo studio lighting! It also takes on a slightly different appearance in sunlight. In the end, it’s an amazing and dynamic material that needs to be seen live.

Next, we chose to use Rose Gold hardware. This is only the second time in our history that we’ve offered Rose Gold, but it won’t be the last!

The edition will be limited to 12 pens. At past pen shows, our LE exclusives have sold pretty fast. Not everyone can attend each day of the show, and many cannot get off work to attend Friday. For this reason, we will limit our Friday sales of this LE to 8 pens only, and our Saturday sales to 4 pens. It will be first come, first served each day.

These pens will be priced at $275 with the Rose Gold Steel nib in EF, F, M, B, 1.1mm or 1.5mm

Outside of this Limited Edition pen, of course, we’ll be bringing lots and lots of our normal inventory. Click Here to see our entire inventory of over 400 pens that will be coming to Baltimore with us. 

In addition to the Limited Edition from Tim’s material, we will also have other pens inventoried from his materials, as well as pens from other craft material makers like Jonathon Brooks and Jenn Earley. Click Here to see all pens made from handcrafted materials that will be coming to the show made by Tim, Jennifer, and Jonathon.

If you can’t make the pen show, our Current Inventory Galleries have been updated with lots of new pens. Any pens that don’t sell at the show will be available when we return. Feel free to email me with an inquiry if something appeals.

We hope to see you in Baltimore!

Brian at Edison

(slideshow showing all of our inventory is below, or click here)

Current Inventory Pen Shows

Ohio Pen Show! With Brooks Limited Edition Menlo!

Hi Pen Fans!

We’re excited to be coming back to the Ohio Pen Show this weekend!

We will be bringing a Limited Edition pen. It is a Bandless Menlo in Jonathon Brooks Cenote.

This LE pen is exclusive to attendees of the Ohio Pen Show.

The Limited Edition is a Menlo, but we’ve left off the centerband for a very sleek look. Then Jonathon’s Cenote is a pretty amazing green and blue recipe that really pops!

The edition will be limited to 15 pens. At past pen shows, our LE exclusives have sold pretty fast. Not everyone can attend each day of the show, and many cannot get off work to attend Friday. For this reason, we will limit our Friday sales of this LE to 10 pens only, and our Saturday sales to 5 pens. It will be first come, first served each day.

The price for this LE pen will be $275 with a Steel nib in Fine, Medium, or Broad.

Outside of this Limited Edition pen, of course we’ll be bringing lots and lots of our current inventory. We have been very busy making inventory specifically for this show. In fact, we’ll be bringing more than 400 pens!

So as of publishing this post, our Current Inventory Galleries have been updated with lots of new pens that will be available at the show. If you can’t attend the Ohio show this weekend, any pens that don’t sell at the show will be available when we return. Feel free to email me with an inquiry if something appeals.

We hope to see you this weekend!

Brian at Edison



Current Inventory Pen Shows

Detroit Pen Show this Weekend! We Will Be There Saturday and Sunday!

Hi Pen Fans!

We will be attending the Detroit Pen Show this coming weekend on the 21st and 22nd!

However, we will need to miss Friday! Our son is a Senior in High School (where has the time gone?), and we will attend an event at Friday night’s football game honoring the Seniors and their parents.

So we will be arriving late Friday night, setting up early Saturday morning (pumped full of coffee), and staying until the end of the show on Sunday.

I haven’t had time to count exactly, but will be bringing more than 400 pens to the show! We will have plenty of our newest Collier Grandes with the big #8 nib, as well as plenty of pens made from ‘craft’ materials by Jonathon Brooks, Jennifer Earley, and Tim McKenzie.

Click here to see all Collier Grandes that will be coming to the show.
Click here to see all pens made from a ‘craft’ material that we will be coming to the show.

To see all pens that we will be bringing, please visit our Current Inventory Gallery, or you can watch the slideshow at the bottom of this post.

This Current Inventory Gallery has been updated as of today with about 75 new pens! If you cannot attend the pen show and are interested in any of the pens that are currently inventoried, email me and I can let you know of the availability of any of these pens before or after the show.

We hope to see you soon in Detroit!

Brian at Edison

Current Inventory Pen Shows Production Line

New LE Premiere, Current Inventory Updated, and Detroit Show Dates

Hi Pen Fans.

I want to quickly cover 3 topics in this update.

1. A new Limited Edition Premiere through the Goulet Pen Co. was just announced! It has been a while since we have done a special edition Premiere with the Goulets, and I think that this will be very well received.

This Premiere is from an amazing material made by Jennifer Earley with Stormwind’s Creations. Jennifer has been making materials for us for good while now and her work continues to amaze us!

This edition is limited to 200 pens.

You can find the details regarding this pen here

2. We have updated our Current Inventory Galleries with a lot of new pens. This includes a good amount of Collier Grandes and also plenty of pens made from materials by Jennifer Earley, Jonathon Brooks, and Tim McKenzie.

So there are more than 400 pens now in our inventory, all of which are ready to ship. See here for these pens, or you will see a slideshow with these pens at the bottom of this post.

3. We will be attending the Detroit Pen Show this year, but we will have to miss Friday! Our son is a Senior in High School (I have no idea where the time went), and he will be honored at an event that Friday night. So we will be arriving very late Friday, October 20th. Then we’ll be set up on Saturday the 21st, and Sunday the 22nd only.

We will provide more details regarding the Detroit Show as we get closer to the date.

Please let me know of any questions.

Brian at Edison

Pen Shows

DC Pen Show! With Brooks Exclusive Limited Edition!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are packed and ready to head out to the DC Pen Show!

This will be the first time that we’ve been back to DC since 2018! We attended the San Francisco show for a few years (we can’t do both DC and SF as they are too close to each other), and then Covid happened, which put a big damper on our pen show schedule.

We’re very excited to get back to this show and see our fans in DC. We’ll be set up Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Our feature of the show will be a Limited Edition Collier made from Jonathon Brooks Red Abalone.

The pen is sporting a pretty slick Black Oxide nib and clip.

The edition will be limited to 15 pens. At past pen shows, our LE exclusives have sold pretty fast. Not everyone can attend each day of the show, and many cannot get off work to attend Friday. For this reason, we will limit our Friday sales of this LE to 10 pens only, and our Saturday sales to 5 pens. It will be first come, first served each day.

The price for this LE pen will be $275 with the Steel Black Oxide nib.

Outside of this Limited Edition pen, of course, we’ll be bringing lots and lots of our normal inventory. We have been very busy making inventory specifically for this show. In fact, we’ll be bringing more than 400 pens!

As of publishing this post, our Current Inventory Galleries have been updated with these 400+ pens that will be available at the show. Any pens that don’t sell at the show will be available when we return. Feel free to email me with an inquiry if something appeals.

I will also attach a slideshow below showing all of the pens that we will be bringing with us.

We hope to see you at the show!

Brian at Edison

New Pens Pen Shows

Chicago Pen Show with Brockton Exclusive LE!

Hi Pen Fans!

We’ll be attending the Chicago Pen Show this weekend!

We will be bringing a Limited Edition Pen that is exclusive to the Chicago Show! This is a Brockton made from Jonathon Brooks Dragon Night.

We have been having fun lately with our Level-style ink windows, and we’ve always thought that this is a really sharp look on a Brockton.

The ink window is a subtle translucent mint shade. When the pen is capped, it appears to be equipped with a standard ink window. This is a converter filler, but only the clear portions of the converter are visible. This gives a bit of an illusion that the reservoir is the barrel (ala eyedropper, draw filler, or piston filler), when the converter is filled. It’s a pretty neat effect.

The edition will be limited to only 15 pens. These will be priced at $275 with a Steel nib or $375 with an 18k nib. (if a similar pen were ordered custom from us, it would be $325 or $425, respectively.)

We will limit our Friday sales to 10 pens only and our Saturday sales to the remaining 5 pens. First come, first served each day. We realize that a lot of people can’t get off of work to attend a pen show on a Friday and we want everyone who wants this pen to have a shot at it.

If you cannot attend the pen show and like this material, we do have plenty of it left for custom pens. While we cannot make a pen identical to this Brockton and also abide by the “rules” of a Limited Edition, we can still take custom orders for other pen models made from the same Dragon Night material. Be sure to email me if you’d like to speak about a non-limited edition pen made from this material.

Outside of this Limited Edition pen, of course, we’ll be bringing lots and lots of our normal inventory to the show. We will have well over 400 pens on display. Among these, we will also have somewhere around 100+ pens made from craft materials by Jonathon Brooks, Tim McKenzie, and Jennifer Earley.

Click here to see all pens that we’ll be bringing to the pen show.

Click here to see all pens we are bringing that are made from craft materials from Jonathon, Tim, or Jennifer.

We hope to see you in Chicago!

Brian at Edison

New Materials New Pens Pen Shows

Baltimore Pen Show with Jennifer Earley Exclusive!

Hi Pen Fans!

We can’t wait to get back to the Baltimore Pen Show this weekend! It is a strange thought that the last time we attended Baltimore, this new thing called Covid was just making the news. Sheesh! It’s been way too long since we’ve seen our Baltimore friends and we are very happy to be coming back!

The feature of the show will be a Limited Edition pen that will be exclusive to the Baltimore show. This will be our first collaboration with a material maker that is relatively new on our radar, Jennifer Earley with Stormwinds.

We had heard of Jennifer’s work in the recent past, but it wasn’t until a customer of ours requested a custom pen from Jennifer’s materials that we had our first hands-on experience. Since then, we’ve been purchasing more and more materials from Jennifer, as they are truly stunning!

So this Limited Edition Exclusive will be a Beaumont made from Jennifer’s Palomino Waltz at Sunset.

You will notice that this is the first time that we’ve implemented a new idea for hardware that we’ve been experimenting with…

The clip and band are coated in an extremely durable white ceramic finish.

(Side note – we are very happy with how this ceramic coated hardware turned out. Stay tuned for the possibility of seeing this idea implemented more!)

The edition will be limited to 15 pens. At past pen shows, our LE exclusives have sold pretty fast. Not everyone can attend each day of the show, and many cannot get off work to attend Friday. For this reason, we will limit our Friday sales of this LE to 10 pens only, and our Saturday sales to 5 pens. It will be first come, first served each day.

These will be priced at $275 with a Steel nib or $375 with an 18k nib.

Outside of this Limited Edition pen, of course, we’ll be bringing lots and lots of our normal inventory. Click Here to see our entire inventory of over 400 pens that will be coming to Baltimore with us. 

In addition to the Limited Edition from Jennifer’s material, we will also have other pens inventoried from her materials, as well as pens from other craft material makers like Jonathon Brooks and Tim McKenzie. Click Here to see all pens made from handcrafted materials that will be coming to the show made by Jennifer, Jonathon, and Tim.

If you can’t make the pen show, our Current Inventory Galleries have been updated with lots of new pens. Any pens that don’t sell at the show will be available when we return. Feel free to email me with an inquiry if something appeals.

We hope to see you in Baltimore!

Brian at Edison

(slideshow showing all of our inventory is below, or click here)

Current Inventory Pen Shows

Current Inventory Updated and Hope to See you in Baltimore!

Hi Pen Fans!

In preparation for the Baltimore Pen Show, we have been working on stock of our Current Inventory Pens.

We’ve made a lot of new pens, and mostly from craft materials by Jonathon Brooks, Tim McKenzie, and Jenn Earley (stay tuned for news regarding  Jenn, as she is a new material maker for us).

We have also added lots of Collier Grandes, which have been awfully popular since we introduced it!

To see All Current Inventory Pens that are ready to ship, CLICK HERE (or see the slideshow below).
To see all Current Inventory Pens made from a Craft material, CLICK HERE.
To see Current Inventory of Collier Grandes, CLICK HERE.

If you are interested in any of these pens that are ready to ship, you can email me to narrow details.

Then we are definitely looking forward to the Baltimore Pen Show, which is the weekend of March 10th! The last time that we attended Baltimore was just before Covid, so we truly miss seeing our Baltimore show friends!

We hope to see you soon in Baltimore!

Brian at Edison