New Materials New Pens Pen Shows

Baltimore Pen Show and LE Exclusive for the Show!

Hi Pen Fans!

We’ll be attending the Baltimore Pen Show this weekend!

The last three pen shows, we’ve been featuring a Limited Edition Exclusive for each show, and they’ve proven to be very popular! Once again, we will use a special material obtained from Jonathon Brooks of the Carolina Pen Company.

Please see photos below. This is our newest model, the Brockton. It is made from Jonathon’s “Combustion”.

The edition will be limited to 15 pens. They will be priced at $275 with Steel nib or $375 with an 18k nib.

At the San Francisco Pen Show, our LE Exclusive Pen sold pretty fast, and we realize that some people were disappointed in this. For this reason we will limit our Friday sales to 10 pens only, and our Saturday sales to 5 pens. First come, first serve each day. We realize that a lot of people can’t get off of work to attend a pen show on a Friday and we want everyone to have a shot at this pen who wants it.

If you cannot attend the pen show and like this material, we do have a bit more of it. While we cannot make a pen identical to this one and also abide by the “rules” of a Limited Edition, we can still take custom orders for other pen models made from the same Combustion material. So be sure to email me if you’d like to speak about a non-limited edition pen made from this material.

Outside of this Limited Edition pen, of course we’ll be bringing lots and lots of new inventory. We’ll have just over 380 pens with us.

Unfortunately, we haven’t had time to get all of the pens that we’ll be bringing to the show photographed and uploaded to our galleries, but we’ll have the galleries updated when we return from the show. In the meantime, here’s a link to the vast majority of the pens that we’ll be bringing.

Lastly, we do have exactly ONE LE Herald in Rose, left and we will bring this to the show if anyone is interested. We also have a small handful of the Group Buy LE Brocktons left, and those will also be with us.

We hope to see you this weekend!

Brian at Edison

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