Hi Pen Fans!
We’ve been looking for an opportunity to add a permanent 5th material to the Production Line Collier for a while now, but we were waiting for something in particular that I think everyone will really like!
We are calling this new material “Nighthawk”.

This material is made from the same composition as the Collier in Rock Candy. If you remember my blog post from when we introduced Rock Candy, it’s a very neat composition of acrylic. It’s difficult to put into words, but it has an amazing amount of depth considering that it’s a flecked pattern. This gives it a pretty phenomenal shine. While this composition is not celluloid, it feels like celluloid. Honestly, its qualities remind me of the original Sheaffer cebloplast, which is hard to find in a modern acrylic.

So with this new composition having a bit of a celluloid feel compared to our normal acrylics, we decided that we’d like to emulate one of my favorite celluloids that I’ve ever worked with, which is Tibaldi Impero (now extinct to the best of my knowledge). Many of you might know of this celluloid, as it’s very highly sought after. We used to have some supplies of this, but they were used up very quickly years ago for good reason.

So this was our inspiration when having the material made. I didn’t want to copy it exactly, however. I wanted to take the qualities that I loved about Impero and keep them, but make a small change that I feel improves the look. What I really love about the original celluloid is the incredibly saturated and deep blue flakes, which Nighthawk definitely has, but featured even more. What I wanted to alter was the ratio of black and grey in the base. Impero has a bit more black vs grey in the base material, and I was happier with a bit more grey vs black. I want to be clear – this material is not celluloid. It is an acrylic that is inspired by a very popular and now extinct celluloid. So the appearance and the feel of this material do remind me of celluloid. I felt that our customers would appreciate knowing the backstory and inspiration behind this offering.

This pen will NOT be replacing any of the other currently available Colliers. So there will now be 5 offerings in our Production Line Collier. The Collier offerings will now be (L to R in the photos below) Nighthawk, Rock Candy, Burnished Gold, Persimmon Swirl, and Antique Marble.

As with all of our Production Line Pens, these can only be purchased for through our retailers listed here for $169.
If anyone has any questions, please reach out!