Broadcasts and Videos

Additional Footage from Goulet Visit!

Hi Pen Fans!

Many of you will remember when Brian Goulet and Drew Brown with the Goulet Pen Co came to visit in January. We had a great time sitting down and speaking about our business evolution over the years, gave a lot of insight as to how we have grown and also discussed some very recent happenings. If you did not see this interview-style video, you can see it here.

But while Brian and Drew were here, they also captured some excellent footage of our facility and our processes. We have a good amount of Behind the Scenes videos, but none in our new facility. So I think that many will find the video below pretty interesting!

It was so excellent to have my good friends from the Goulet Pen Company come up for their visit! Thanks to Brian and his team for putting this together!

Brian at Edison


Spring Break!

Hi Pen Fans!

My wife, son, and I are leaving for a nice and well deserved vacation.

We’ll be back to work on the 10th or 11th of April after being well rested!

If I’m slow with emails, you’ll know why.


Brian at Edison

Pen Shows

LA Pen Show!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are packed for the LA Pen Show! We will have out tables set up Friday through Sunday.

Below is a video showing the pens that we’ll be bringing. If you can’t make the show but see something that you like, you can email me. Granted that the pen didn’t sell at the show, we can get you set up!

Have a look at the video below. Hope to see you at the show!

Brian at Edison


Broadcasts and Videos

A Nice Chat with Brian Goulet of Goulet Pens!

Hi Pen Fans!

A couple of weeks ago, it was excellent to host Brian Goulet and Drew Brown of Goulet Pens at our facility for a fun visit!

Have a look at the video below of a nice informal chat that we recorded if you are interested in topics such as the 2018 plan for Edison, stories about how the fountain pen business began for each us, our growth and move to a larger facility, new equipment that is on the way, pen design and engineering, along with some other items including our little dog getting into frame for some attention!

Let me know if you have questions regarding the topics covered.

Again, thanks to Brian and Drew for creating the video and making the trip up to see us!

(If you can’t see the video below, click here)

Brian at Edison













Time Away

Thanks for a Great Year! Taking Time Off Until 2018!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are wrapping up for the year and I wanted to put out a thank you to all of our customers and wish everyone Happy Holidays!

This year was pretty unique for us in that we moved our business to a new and much larger location, celebrated our 10 year business anniversary, hired more employees, and experienced some pretty significant growth overall which will certainly continue into 2018.

Our employees have much deserved vacation saved up, and Andrea and I need a break as well. We will be shut down from today until the New Year. I will not be fielding emails until 2018.

I’d like to thank each of our customers for your support! We truly enjoy what we do, and couldn’t do this without you!

See you in 2018!

Brian at Edison

The Edison Team at our Holiday Dinner! Thank You!
New Pens

2018 Price Increases

Hi Pen Fans!

For those of you that have followed the history of the Edison Pen Company, perhaps you’ve noticed that literally, we have never had a price increase in the last 9+ years, nearly the entire history of our company.

When this business began as the Edison Pen Company 10 years ago, we started offering some of the models that we still do today in our Signature Line. For the first 6 months or so, our pricing was a little lower than the present. After this 6 month period, prices on these Signature Line pens became what they are today. Then when we started with our Production Line in 2011, that pricing structure began and remained the same as today.

Over the years, this pricing has worked fine for us. My thoughts have always been “it ain’t broke”. But things also remained relatively simple for us until early 2017.

At this time, we moved the business from an outbuilding next to our house to a commercial building with a heck of a lot more space. This means going from no rent, utilities, real estate taxes, etc., to pretty high rent in addition to all of those other expenses at commercial rates. It seems that this transition triggered some other events, as well.

Many of you remember when we had a machine go down in the late Summer (I’ll never forget!). The primary machinery that we have utilized were bought used years ago and quite frankly they are just outdated and becoming more difficult to repair when required (which is becoming too frequent). This is what led to our issue in the summer. I can’t have another problem with our machines like we did in the summer (it took us about 3+ months to become fully caught up), so we are investing in brand new machines that are much bigger, faster, more accurate, but also pricey!

In addition to the machinery upgrades, we are also more than doubling the number of machines from what we have had up until now. We hired another employee in the Spring of 2017, and as these new machines are up and running, it’s likely that we’ll be hiring even more employees in 2018.

While there are actually more factors occurring than what I’ve mentioned above, the big items here are lots of additional machinery, more employees, and commercial real estate along with the associated costs.

For these reasons, it’s time for us to increase our prices effective January 1st, 2018. This will occur as outlined below….

Production Line, All Models
(Collier, Beaumont, Pearlette)
Steel nib – $149 will be raised to $169
18k Nib – $274 will be raised to $299


Signature Line, All Models Raised by $25
Mina from $200 to $225, Steel Nib
Pearlette from $225 to $250, Steel Nib
All other models from $250 to $275, Steel Nib
Herald and Huron Grande $275 to $300 Steel Nib


18k Nib Adds $100
14k Edison Stock Flex Nib Adds $125
Draw, Pneumatic, Bulb, or Pump Filler Adds $100

Along with these changes and growth, I think that we can expect the new machinery and employees to increase our productivity significantly. This means that my time will most likely be freed up a bit so I can focus on designing new models, introducing new materials within our Production Line, designing new filling systems, publishing video blogs that I’ve had in my head for sometimes years, as well as more Group Buy Limited Editions, and higher volume of Seasonal Premieres (which always sell out very fast). It might take us a bit to settle into our groove with the new machinery and employees, but I’d expect all of the above to gradually take place in 2018.

I’ve always felt that our prices were quite reasonable for handcrafted pens that require a good amount of labor and especially skill. I hope that our customers agree with me that our new prices that accompany our growth are indeed still within that reasonable range.

If anyone has any questions, please reach out.

Brian at Edison

Time Away

Happy Thanksgiving from Edison! 10 Years in Business!

Hi Pen Fans!

With Thanksgiving approaching, last night my wife and I were speaking about where our business anniversary officially falls (honestly not being sure). Some of you might remember that when this little business of ours started, it was actually called “Pencraft”. Back then, I was making what were basically kit pens, but they didn’t really look like kit pens. I was using just a few components from kits to make our pens which gave me a bit more creative freedom. While these were pretty nice pens, I always wanted to manufacture all of my components and strived for this. When I accomplished this, it was with the Pearl model. At that point, I decided that “Pencraft”, wasn’t the best name for this business, and so I switched the name to The Edison Pen Company.

It was around that time that I went through my third layoff in only three years from a pharmaceuticals job that I had unfortunately learned to hate with a passion. Pens had always been part time. With this third layoff, I had no intention of making a living at pens, thinking of it as a silly dream. I just kept making pens on a very small lathe in our garage to bring in a little income and stay off of unemployment. I intended to scrape by until I found another crappy job in pharmaceuticals.

Well, good things started happening. I’m proud to say that I never collected even one unemployment check. With a little income and (albeit slow) growth, I realized that making pens full time showed the possibility of paying the bills. So over about 6 months, I stopped interviewing. But it was not easy. The first year of doing this, our net income was $17k, which did not get us by without dipping into accounts that we did not want to dip into in order to cover our basic living expenses. It was a bit risky and stressful at first, but working hard and working smart led us to where we are today. Over the years we have acquired more advanced machinery (with more on the way) and a large space with more room to grow into. Our Signature Line is in demand, and we have retailers for our Production Line across the globe. There are five of us full time and we are considering hiring more. We couldn’t ask for better employees as they truly care about the quality of our work as well as our customer service. All of use here at Edison are very happy doing what we do and have fun making your pens!

This leads me to our official anniversary. I’m not sure that I count our days operating as Pencraft as anything official since I was part time and not offering the same products that we do today. So out of curiosity, last night I dug through my old paperwork as the official anniversary date has always been kind of ambiguous. The very first invoice that I wrote as Pencraft was November 12, 2006 and the first invoice written as The Edison Pen Company was on October 18th, 2007. So officially, Andrea and I consider this to be our anniversary, and we didn’t realize that 10 years had already passed!

So from all of use here at Edison, we’d like to say thanks to our customers! We are all able to work jobs that we truly enjoy and we consider ourselves very lucky in these regards. All of us have fun making the products that we do, and we thank you for supporting us! As we sit down this weekend with our families to give thanks, we will also give thanks to all of you!

We truly appreciate your support over the last 10 years!

Brian at Edison

Happy Thanksgiving!
Pen Shows

Michigan Pen Show!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are packing now for the Michigan Pen Show! We should be set up by 3:00 today (Friday), and then we’ll be set up all day Saturday.

We’ll have a bit less than 200 pens with us, including some pretty phenomenal new materials that we’ve made into some Menlo Draw Fillers!

See the photo below to check out some of these new materials. As opposed to many of our previous translucent materials, most of these have a clear base material, rather than tinted. This really makes a pretty incredible appearance in my opinion! When these pens are filled with ink that’s sloshing around inside, they will look pretty amazing as the ink will show through better than typical!

We hope to see you at the show!

Brian at Edison

New Materials!



Pen Shows

Ohio Pen Show!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are getting packed up now for the Ohio Pen Show!

We’ll be set up on Friday morning and will be there until Sunday afternoon.

We will be bringing around 200 pens with us, including some of our new Draw Fillers!

Below is a photo showing our entire inventory, or most of these pens can be seen in our Current Inventory Gallery.

We hope to see you there!

Brian at Edison

Time Away

Finally Caught Up, Short Vacation, and 2017 LE Status….

Hi Pen Fans!

Three topics to cover with this blog post. My apologies if this is a bit long, but I need to cover a lot of recent topics. It’s best to simply combine!

  1. We are finally caught up with our Signature Line queue! I’m sure that most of you heard that one of our most critical machines went down in the late summer which backed us up a whole lot. The machine was not running for 2 weeks. Then another week to the fix it, and the DC Pen Show added a 4th week of delays. So at the beginning of August, we were 4 weeks behind! The nature of custom-made pens truly does not lend itself to rushing or trying to work too much faster than we already do (which is a good pace to begin with). Working faster than our comfort zone mostly leads to silly mistakes. So rather than rush, our entire team was working longer hours and some weekends from the beginning of August until now. We were able to increase our productivity without silly rushing and as of today we are caught up completely! After being a bit stressed through this process, it feels good to be finally caught up! So we are caught up with our Signature Line, but we do still have a good amount of repairs that have been backlogged. I have been in touch with each of these customers, and we will be full force on those repairs next week. So if you have a pen in for a repair with us, you will be hearing from us most likely before the end of October. For all people involved with our delays, I have done my best to be sure that you have received some kind of update every 1-2 weeks. I hope those involved feel that these updates have been adequate and timely to explain the delays.

So in the end –  Lesson Learned and more machinery is on the way!  I’ve done all of my research, and I’m about to sign papers on some new machinery so that this kind of situation can be handled in the future without problems, as well as increase our overall productivity.

2. Today (Wednesday), I was able to send out photos and tracking information on the very last pens that have been delayed! It felt so so very good, and I feel that a huge weight is off my shoulders considering more than 2 months of being behind! Due to it being very sorely needed, I am taking Thursday and Friday as vacation this week, and will return on Monday or Tuesday of next week. If I am slow with emails, you’ll know why.

3. We have understandably received a lot of emails lately about the 2017 LE Group Buy Pen. This pen is an annual tradition with our company, and is the only time that you’ll see an Edison Pen discounted in any way. Considering our machine issues outlined above, I’m sure that no one is surprised that there will not be a 2017 LE Group Buy pen. Instead, we will do our best to do a 2018 LE Group Buy pen in early 2018, and then we will try to do another in 2018 late in the year. So barring something unforeseen, we will do two LE Group Buy Pens in 2018.

I think that I’ve covered it all! If anyone has questions, please reach out!

Brian at Edison

The problem was a servo motor. This is my reaction when it was finally fixed in August! While this felt great, we then had a lot work to get caught up!