New Materials New Pens Special Offers

Small Run ‘Pourly Controlled’ LE Elysian in Holiday Theme!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are very happy to announce a special Limited Edition Elysian just in time for the Holidays!

The material for this pen was created by a maker that we’ve just recently discovered. Lisa Marie with Pourly Controlled! We’ve been ecstatic with her offerings and recently placed a sizable order of her materials for our regular inventory. So expect to see lots of new material choices from Lisa Marie in 2025!

This will be a smaller Limited Edition of only 25 pens. 

This material is highly transluscent, showing off the internal workings of the Elysian. It has some very nice red, green, and golden tones, along with a nice and subtle amount of sparkle! 

The Cap Band has a very small and subtle LE engraving.

These pens are converter fillers. They will come with a Steel nib in your choice of EF, F, M, B, BB, 1.1mm or 1.5mm tips.

The Elysian is our newest model and is very unique. See here for all details regarding the Elysian model.

Full specifications of the Elysian are here in Imperial or here in Metric. Or you can view the 3D model below with the option of also viewing the pen in Augmented Reality.  

The price of this pen will be $250 and shipping. 

Please reach out with any questions. I hope that everyone has a great Holiday Season!

Brian at Edison

The Holiday Elysian is Sold Out

Special Offers

In-House Made Hardwood Pen Rests!

Hi Pen Fans!

I’m very happy to announce that we are now offering Hardwood Pen Rests that we are manufacturing in-house at our facility here in Ohio.


The video below covers all details, and also contains behind-the-scenes footage of how we manufacture these rests at 3:54.

These pen rests are carved on our router and then hand sanded, buffed, and then finished with carnauba wax and also a microcrystalline wax.

Below is a 3D model of the pen rest.  There is also an augmented reality option if you’d like to see the model in AR.

These pen rests are $25 each.

New Materials New Pens Special Offers

Holiday Stealth Limited Edition in G-10!

Hi Pen Fans!

We’re very happy to announce another pretty unique pen. This will be a stealth-themed pen made from G-10!

(side note – we fully realize that this pen doesn’t follow a Holiday theme, but we weren’t coming up with good ideas for a Holiday theme! We loved this design so much that we just couldn’t wait!)

Bullet points, and then I’ll get into more details…
  •  G-10 is a linen fabric laminate that is bonded with epoxy. It is extremely wear-resistant.
  • Price will be $275 with a Steel nib in EF, F, M, B, 1.1mm or 1.5mm.
  • This is a Limited Edition of only 50 pens.
  • We have 25 of these pens ready to ship now. We are currently manufacturing the other 25 pens. Barring something unforeseen, we will be finished within a week or so. We didn’t want to wait to announce this pen later in December, so we are announcing the pen early. Rest assured that the second 25 pens will be inventoried and ready to ship easily before the 18th of December.
More details…

This pen is a Collier made from G-10 that has been dyed black.

You will likely notice that this pen is similar to a Collier that we made from Garolite as a Limited Edition earlier this year, which was a much larger edition and still sold pretty quickly! But this material is a bit different.

Essentially, Garolite is a linen fabric laminate that is bonded with epoxy and comes in many forms. The Collier from earlier this year was made from Garolite CE. This pen is made from Garolite 10 (commonly known as G-10).

G-10 is typically used for circuit boards. But most people know of its use for knife handles or gun stock handles, since it is very stable, very durable, and extremely wear-resistant.

This particular Black G-10 is a bit more dense than our normal materials by about 15%. This makes G-10 a touch heavier (this pen is 29 grams vs a normal Collier being 24 grams). This density makes it even more wear-resistant. Lastly from a manufacturing standpoint, it is much more difficult to machine, but doable!

Despite the increased density, G-10 still won’t cut as cleanly as acrylic, especially when cutting threads. As you can see in the photo below, we have engineered the visible portions of outer threads from a solid black acrylic. This makes the pen much more attractive at that location. This also makes the threads more accurate and feel very smooth compared to if we had threaded G-10 to G-10.

Then, of course, the stealth theme is complete with a black oxide steel nib and a black oxide clip.

REMINDER – as mentioned, we have 25 of the 50 pens ready to ship now. We are currently manufacturing the other 25. The additional 25 pens will be finished in about a week, barring something unforeseen. So if you place an order after the first 25 pens have sold, there could be about a 1-week wait. But without a doubt, any pen ordered on or before the 18th can be shipped in time for the Holidays.

Please reach out with any questions.

Brian at Edison





Production Line Special Offers

Fountain Pen Day Special! Discounted Comet in Sea Spray!

Hi Pen Fans!

When we announced the addition of the Comet in Cobalt Magma to the Production Line, the plan was that this pen would replace the Comet in Sea Spray.

The Comet in Sea Spray is being discontinued from the Production Line. It will be heavily discounted to as little as MSRP $119 (normally $149) beginning on November 3rd, Fountain Pen Day.

  • This discount will be applied to the Production Line Comet in Sea Spray only.
  • This discount will occur on November 3rd, Fountain Pen Day.
  • Our retailers will be permitted to price the Comet in Sea Spray as low as MSRP $119 (normally $149) on Fountain Pen Day.
  • This minimum price of $119 will be in effect until all Comets in Sea Spray are entirely sold out.
  • We will not manufacture more Comets in Sea Spray. Once these pens are gone, they are gone.

Click here to see all retailers that carry the Comet in Sea Spray. This discount will be effective on Fountain Pen Day and will continue until all Comets in Sea Spray are sold out.

Please reach out with any questions!

Brian at Edison


Special Offers

A Price Reduction in the Production Line!

Hi Pen Fans!

I wanted to announce that effective immediately, our Production Line will see a price decrease.

The price for any of our Production Line Pens with a steel nib has been $169.

The new price will be $149.

A few factors are driving this. For those of you who remember, these pens were originally priced at $149 when we first started offering the Production Line about 12-13 years ago.

Then in 2018, we announced a price increase to $169. This increase was driven by many factors at that time.

  • Much more expensive overhead when we moved to a very nice and spacious commercial location, having outgrown the location at our home.
  • A large investment into a LOT of new machinery.
  • Hiring more employees.

Since this price increase in 2018, we have accomplished more than a few things that have allowed us to reconsider Production Line pricing.…

  • Over the years, I’ve been able to optimize all aspects of programming for faster assembly-line production regarding our newer automated machinery.
  • We’ve also been able to streamline our manual assembly-line processes.
  • We’ve had the same fantastic employees for a minimum of 5 years each now. Frankly, all of us have honed our skills for faster production while retaining high quality and committing fewer time-wasting mistakes. Finding employees that have previous experience in penmaking isn’t exactly easy! It definitely takes a long time to develop expertise in this field. I’m thankful to say that all of us here have become very highly skilled penmakers, which makes everyone here very effective at what we do.
  • Our overhead costs have been reduced a good bit, since we now own our commercial building, rather than renting our space.

The bottom line is that our cost to manufacture the Production Line has gone down. We feel that adjusting the retail price accordingly is the right move.

So effective immediately, you will see that all of our retailers who carry the Production Line will have their prices adjusted to $149 for all pens with a steel nib. Click here to see our entire Production Line, as well as the retailers that carry them.

Please reach out with any questions!

Brian at Edison

New Pens Special Offers

Small Run LE Collier Grande in Holiday Theme!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are very happy to announce a special Limited Edition Collier Grande just in time for the Holidays!

This will be a small run of only 30 pens. There will be two materials used. A solid red that we usually refer to as Fire Engine Red and a solid green that we usually refer to as British Racing Green.

This numbered edition is limited to only 15 of each pen.

We have placed a very nice engraving on the cap lip of these pens. Of course, the engraving is intended to be a snowflake. But if you look closely, it is subtly comprised of multiple Edison logos!

These pens are converter fillers. They will come with our new (and huge) #8 Steel Nib in your choice of F, M, or B.

Full specifications for this pen can be found here.

Lastly, each of these pens will come with a fun Edison ornament that we have designed!

The price of this pen will be $295 and shipping. If you were to order a custom version of the Collier Grande, the price would be $325. Since we manufactured this edition assembly-line-style, we can lower the price a bit.

Please reach out with any questions. I hope that everyone has a great Holiday Season!

Brian at Edison




New Pens Special Offers

2022 LE Glenmont in McKenzie DiamondCast!

Hi Pen Fans!

We are excited to announce a new Limited Edition Glenmont made from Tim McKenzie’s DiamondCast!  We’ve done a few other LE pens from Tim’s materials in the past, and these never disappoint!

This Limited Edition Glenmont is made from two of Tim’s DiamondCast™ materials. “Oil Slick” and “Silver Lake”.

2022 LE Glenmont in Oil Slick and Silver Lake

DiamondCast is created with real gem-quality diamonds that are ethically sourced as reclaimed chips, directly from diamond cutters. We are very happy with all qualities of these materials. As opposed to our normal acrylics, they really open up some amazing creative iterations that otherwise aren’t always possible coming from our overseas large-scale acrylic manufacturers.

2022 LE Glenmont in Oil Slick
2022 LE Glenmont in Silver Lake

This edition will be limited to only 50 pens from each material, for a total of 100 pieces.

2022 LE Glenmont in Oil Slick
2022 LE Glenmont in Silver Lake

The edition is numbered from 1 to 50 in each material. They are converter fillers.

These pens have all of their nibs carefully tuned and are ready to ship immediately.

Pricing for these pens are $225 with a Steel nib. So you know, our pricing for a custom Signature Line version of the Glenmont made from Tim’s materials would normally be $295 with a Steel nib. But since these pens are made assembly-line style in batches rather than one at a time, we can offer this discount while still attending to the same fine detail.

If anyone has any questions, please reach out!
Brian at Edison


New Materials New Pens Pen Shows Special Offers

The ‘Pen-Show-LE-That-Never-Was!’ 2022 LE Comet in Brooks Deep Space!

Hi Pen Fans!

We never would have predicted this a couple of years ago, but due to COVID, we haven’t attended a pen show since March 2020! Sheesh!

At each major pen show, we typically bring a small Limited Edition pen that is exclusive to that particular show. We keep these editions smaller, make it very special, and only attendees of that pen show can purchase that particular pen.

Of course, we need to plan these LE pens well in advance. So in early 2020, we contacted Jonathon Brooks requesting that he put together another fantastic material created specifically for Edison. Well, the material arrived around the same time that Covid arrived!

So this exclusive material has been sitting on our shelves waiting for a fun project for about 2 years now! After missing our friends at pen shows and our fans also missing out on these smaller Limited Editions, we decided to just make a pen from this material now, albeit a smaller edition.

This is a Comet made from a material that Jonathon Brooks crafted specifically for us. We felt that calling it Deep Space was quite apropos for the Comet!

Normally when we do pens with exclusive materials, we buy enough so that we have extra to also make custom pens for those interested. However, we don’t have any more of this. So if you like this Deep Space material, this pen will be your only option to acquire it.

The material is a very nice deep blue with some very subtle purple highlights.

Actually, this composition and color tone definitely reminds me of vintage Cobalt that was used extensively in original Sheaffer Balance II’s. This does have a tighter pattern (which I like better), and also some excellent and subtle purple highlights.

Going with the style of the Comet (our newest model), we made the finial from Solid Blue Translucent Acrylic.

Since this material was intended as a smaller LE for a pen show, we never ordered a lot of the material compared to our normal LE pens. Therefore….

…this pen is limited to only 35 pieces

The pen will come with a Steel Nib in your choice of EF, F, M, B, 1.1mm, and 1.5mm.

The price is $245. If this same pen were ordered as a custom Signature Line pen, the normal price would be $295.

The Edition is Sold Out

Please reach out with any questions!

Brian at Edison

New Pens Special Offers

Limited Edition Black Knight Collier! A Nice Mistake!

Hi Pen Fans!

I’m happy to announce that we are now offering a new Limited Edition Signature Line Collier in a material that has been a personal favorite of mine for a while now.

This material is what we’ve called Cumberland Acrylic previously. In the past, we’ve been able to acquire this in only smaller quantities for individual custom pens. We’ve never had enough for a sizable run until now.

This edition is limited to only 75 pieces.

The nib and clip have a black oxide treatment to compliment the darker tones in the acrylic.

This Cumberland acrylic is a material that was actually a mistake from the manufacturer! The colors and swirls that you see in these photos were not intended! I think that they were looking to get rid of their mistake, so they sent us a few meters to check out at no charge. We loved it so much that we instantly bought up the rest of the “mistake”!

This initial purchase gave us decent quantities for some custom individual pens, but about 6 months ago we were getting low on it. We did not want to say goodbye to the material, so we contacted the manufacturer to see if they could replicate the “mistake” on a larger scale and they were able to do so with the first try!

This pen will be available with Steel Black Oxide nibs in EF, F, M, B, 1.1mm italic, and 1.5mm italic. It is a converter filler. For all specifications on the Collier, please see here.

The price for this pen will be $225. The normal retail price for a Signature Line Collier with a Steel Nib is $275. Since these pens were made “assembly-line” style, we can manufacture them faster with the same quality. This allows us to bring the price down significantly compared to a fully custom version.

All of these pens are in stock and ready to ship immediately! Please let me know of any questions.

Brian at Edison

The Edition is Sold Out

PS – when were looking for a clever name for this pen, immediately the dark trim and color scheme made us think of the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail! At first, we dismissed this idea. But as we searched for a different name, we just couldn’t get this out of our heads.

So what the heck! ’tis but a scratch!

Special Offers

Edison T-Shirts!

Our employee Jake has a lot of fun making custom t-shirts in his spare time and he’s actually quite skilled!

He has been making some Edison shirts for us to wear the last few years, and we’re nuts about them! Our fans have seen us wearing these shirts on our social media outlets and many people have said that they would love it if we made them available for sale. So we are obliging!

So these shirts are made by Jake in-house. They are 100% pre-shrunk cotton from Bella+Canvas with the Edison logo in white on the front.

These shirts feature a more athletic fit. So if you prefer a looser fit, we recommend ordering a size up from what you may normally wear.

The logo measures 4 inches wide by approximately 6.25 inches tall.

Since we are able to make these in-house, we can keep the price pretty reasonable. We are more interested in people being able to wear our shirts than trying to profit significantly from these, so pricing is as such….

XS, S, M, L, XL – $15.00
2XL, 3XL – $18.00
4XL – $20.00

If you are interested in purchasing a T-Shirt, please CLICK HERE.


Brian at Edison